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Don't take it personally! Take it seriously!

Most of us have been told at least once not to take things personally and at least for me, it has been difficult to listen and act on this advice. I could not quite understand why I should not take things personally given that it was me who has done, or not done, something. The difference for me came a few years ago when I started realising that each and every one of us has intrinsic value and when we don’t get something quite right, our value does not go down. On the contrary, if we learn from the experience, our value goes up. Seth Godin summed it up nicely by saying not to take things personally but to take them seriously. What does it mean to take it seriously? First of all, it means NOT taking yourself seriously. It means to be curious and willing to understand what has happened, why and what is the learning. It means being open to experimentation. It means pouring all your energy and effort in doing whatever you have set your eyes on. It means not giving up.

It is a path to growth.

It means commitment!

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